The Politically Incorrect Guide to Western Civilization (paperback)
by Anthony Esolen


Price: $19.95

Western civilization is under attack. At universities and in the media, professors and pundits decry Western civilization as exploitative, destructive, and without value. But fear not: coming to its defense is Professor Anthony Esolen's The Politically Incorrect Guide(TM) to Western Civilization. This "P.I.G." will knock down the multi-culturalist propaganda and show how the West laid the cornerstones of all modern civilization, including historical, artistic, and intellectual achievements. This new installment in the bestselling P.I.G. series is not just a refreshing roadmap of Western civilization; it is a guide to "us": who we were, who we are, and where we are going. Using historical evidence and compelling arguments, Esolen proves why we not only owe it to history, but also to ourselves to set the record straight and respectfully acknowledge Western civilization's vital role in shaping our values and our world.

Everything you should know--but PC professors won't teach--about our Western heritage

Western civilization is the envy of the globe. It has given to the world universally accepted understandings of human rights (rooted in Judeo-Christian principles), created standards for art, music, and literature that have never been equaled, and originated political and social systems that have spread all across the planet.

Unfortunately, the fog of political correctness now obscures these and other truths about Western civilization. Leftists and Islamic jihadists find common cause in assailing Western "colonialism," "imperialism," and "racism" as its defining characteristics. Guilt-ridden Western leaders and public figures speak of their cultural patrimony in disparaging terms they would never dare to use about a non-Western culture. And in the academy, "multicultural"-minded professors flatter students into believing they have nothing really to learn from Sophocles or Shakespeare.

But now, Professor Anthony Esolen--one of the team-teachers of Providence College's esteemed Development of Western Civilization Core Curriculum--has risen to the West's defense. The Politically Incorrect Guide(TM) to Western Civilization takes on the prevailing liberal assumptions that make Western civilization the universal whipping boy for today's global problems, and introduces you to the significant events, individuals, nations, ideas, and artistic achievements that make Western civilization the greatest the world has ever known.

Today--with the West imperiled as never before by the global jihad and threats from China and elsewhere--defending the West has become an urgent imperative: if we don't value what we have and what we have inherited, we will surely lose it. The Politically Incorrect Guide(tm) to Western Civilization is an essential sourcebook for that defense.